Kajal Kumar Roy

An Expert in Technical SEO


Website Performance: A Deep Dive into Technical SEO Strategies

Technical SEO makes a website more search engine-friendly but can also involve user experience enhancements. Typical duties related to technical SEO Strategies encompass the following: submitting Google with a sitemap. Constructing a site architecture that is optimized for search engines.

Because it directly affects how well your website appears in Google’s search results, technical SEO is extremely important. If search engines can’t easily access and understand your web pages, no matter how valuable your content is, those pages won’t appear or rank in search results. Technical SEO is the term for server and website enhancements that make it easier for search engine spider crawling search engine spiders to navigate and index your website crawlers, ensuring websites are visible and technically sound.

In addition to my technical insight, I discover abreast of the latest industry trends and algorithm updates. This allows me to adapt strategies dynamically, keeping clients ahead of the curve and safeguarding their online visibility in an ever-changing digital landscape.

Benefits of an SEO Audit

By fixing on-page problems, you can make your website more understandable to search engines. Improve the user’s experience. Determine what has to be improved to increase search exposure and expose your company to the appropriate audience. Keep an eye on rival websites

Technical SEO Factors – Tips from Top strategy for 2024

So, how can one address the way of Technical SEO properly? It would help if you had to take these top Technical SEO Factors into account- Canonical tags, XML sitemaps, Structured Data, Hreflang, 301 redirects, Site architecture, Javascript, 404 pages, URL structure, Thin content, and Duplicate content.

Key aspects of technical SEO include:

Website Speed:

Website speed” or “website performance” describes how quickly a browser loads a website’s fully functional web pages. Websites with slow browser rendering or poor performance may drive away users. On the other hand, sites with faster loading times tend to attract more visitors and have higher conversion rates.


The degree to which a website is optimized and built to load quickly on a mobile device—such as a smartphone or tablet—is known as its mobile friendliness.


Crawlability is the ability of search engine crawlers to read and follow links within the content of your website. These crawlers can be compared to spiders that follow many links on the internet. When a website is indexable, search engines can display its pages in search results.


Indexing is the process by which search engines arrange the data and web pages they are aware of. Since information not in the index cannot rank for a search result, indexing is likely the most critical step in the standard search engine operation.


Choosing a piece of content’s representative canonical URL is known as canonicalization. As a result, among a collection of duplicate pages, Google selected one URL to be the most representative, known as the canonical URL.


A sitemap is a file in which you list all the pages, videos, and other items on your website, along with their links. This file facilitates more efficient crawling of your website by search engines like Google.

SSL Security:

Search engines give preference to secure websites (those using HTTPS). SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption is important for user security and SEO.

Structured Data Markup:

You may communicate your product data with Google Merchant Center by using structured data markup, a machine-readable version of your product data on your website.

Site Architecture:

The planning and creation of a website’s information architecture (IA) to provide structure and improve usability is referred to as website architecture. Put another way; it’s the process of classifying your material into topics and then arranging those themes in a more or less tight order.


Search engine crawlers are informed about the URLs on your website they may visit via a robots.txt file. This isn’t a way to keep a page out of Google; it’s mostly used to prevent sending too many queries to your website. You may use password protection or block indexing using the index to prevent Google from finding a page.

Site Errors and Redirects:

Redirects send users and search engines to a URL different than the one they originally requested. At the same time, error handling refers to identifying and addressing errors on a website.

SEO Audit and Reporting:

The practice of assessing how effectively your website is search engine optimized is called an SEO audit. It finds mistakes that might hinder your website’s search engine ranking and chances to increase your online presence.

Monitoring and Analytics:

Keeping an eye on a website or online service using tools and best practices to track key performance indicators is known as website monitoring. This strategy guarantees consistent availability and a smooth user experience, even in unanticipated traffic surges.

Google Search Console:

Keeping an eye on a website or online service using tools and best practices to track key performance indicators is known as website monitoring. This strategy guarantees consistent availability and a smooth user experience, even in unanticipated traffic surges.

Google Analytics:

Google Analytics is a web analytics service that offers basic analytical tools and information for marketing and search engine optimization (SEO)needs. The service is free for all Google account holders and is a component of the Google Marketing Platform. The measurement code gathers data, packages it, and submits it to Google Analytics so that reports may be created from it. When Analytics processes data, it gathers and arranges the information according to specific standards, such as the type of browser a user is using or whether their device is desktop or mobile.

Technical SEO is building websites that search engines can read, crawl, and comprehend. Three functions are performed by Google: crawling, indexing, and ranking pages. Accurate completion of all three processes is ensured by good technical SEO. You need to be properly crawled and indexed to rank well.

How many people used your website or app is shown by the Users and Active Users metrics. With every click, Google Analytics sends a unique identifier linked to each user to identify which traffic belongs to each user. 

Like other site analytics programs, Google Analytics monitors fundamental page views and visit information, including device, OS, and browser types. In addition, if you have individual user tracking set up, you may track a restricted number of user-level attributes (20 maximum). For website owners, Google Analytics is vital since it offers insightful data on user behavior regarding digital assets and marketing activities. This data can enhance the user experience, boost website traffic, and drive more sales and revenue.

Technical SEO is building websites that search engines can read, crawl, and comprehend. Three functions are performed by Google: crawling, indexing, and ranking pages. Accurate completion of all three processes is ensured by good technical SEO. You need to be properly crawled and indexed to rank well.

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